Mid to High end CD player vs. universal plus DAC


I am considering upgrading my old Sony CD player, and am seeking input regarding whether to purchase a player such as an Arcam 82-92T, upgraded Jolida JD-100, etc... or purchase a lower quality "universal" such as a Sony 900V, Pioneer 45A, etc.. and use a DAC with it. I am trying to stay under $1500, and do not own a DVD player. My present system is 2 channel only, and do not have any burning desire to go multichannel.

Any and all advice is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by muralman1

Hi Mike. I've heard a wide range of front ends on my system, including a few universals. The Pioneer Elite does a respectable job, and can play any digital disc. Some DVA cuts sound remarkable. However, the CD playback tends to be less refined than separates, and a bit bright. That is a flaw I can't live with.

For obtaining sheer musical bliss, using the predominate CD genre, I would never trade out my old tubed Jolida 100 for any player, especially a universal.