Microphone recommendation for recording 2 channel demos

Looking to record sound demos from a smartphone but looking for a better microphone. Something like sound sommelier. Unfortunately he doesn’t disclose what mic he uses. Budget would be $500. Thx



@OP NT5s are a bit bright sounding. I would prefer a pair of SE Electronics SE8s.

But I would try the built in mics first as you may be surprised.

I should have asked earlier but what exactly do you mean by "sound demos"?


@yoyoyaya Watch the video in my first post and you'll see what I am trying to do. And that is a real recording of the room you can hear the sound change as he walks around the speaker. No clue mihorn can't hear that.


Ok OP - bit of brain fade there on my part. That you tube video was probably recorded on a phone or on the internal audio of a DSLR/Mirrorless camera - though the jerkiness of the video as he moves around looks more like a phone to me.

If you are planning to record audio shows, I doubt bringing stand alone mics and associated stands and cabling will be practical.

I got a tascam x8 today. It sounds ok when I record my home speaker system but surprisingly not as good as my blue yeti mic in stereo mode.

So now im scrambling to find a better xlr mic (or mics) that I Can plug into the x8 for better audio for the show later today. Its my fault for not doing my research ahead of time.