Micromega MyDAC

Has anyone heard this besides Robert Harley @ TAS?

Just curious as I think it was on display at RMAF and am curious if it lives up to the excellent comments made by TAS.
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I've had the MyDac for three days and about twelve or so hours in it. I use it in my computer rig which is a MBP with Audirvana Plus with a WireWorld Ultra Violet USB, and Kimber Hero interconnects to Audioengine A5+ speakers. It's a modest setup but fits well in the room I'm using it in. Previously I was using the Audioquest Dragonfly, and Audioengine D2 24/96 wireless DAC. The MyDac beats them both, hands down. Bass is deeper and tighter, vocals clear, highs are smoother, and the mids are much better defined. I was surprised how much different, and better the MyDac was. The body is ASB plastic which is fine with me because the build quality is good and the connectors are excellent quality. The input dial is very solid and the power saving position is very nice as it's an instant on once you move the dial to your chosen input. I do not have any experience with DAC's in the $600 and up range and I'm sure there's a difference as you climb the cost ladder. But at sub $400 I think you may be hard pressed to find something smoother and more listenable than the MyDac. At least for the time being.
I saw some highlights about it (RMAF) looks very similar to the airport extreme. Here's one preview:
I actually downgraded from a M2Tech Young DAC to the MyDac. I would say the performance of the Micromega is about 85% of that of the Young at 1/4 the cost. Prior to the M2Tech I had the Rega Dac and I can honestly say to me the MyDac beats the Rega hands down. Compared to the Young there is a little less bass weight and the sound is a little more compressed. For the price I don't think you can do any better. I also have an Arcam rDac in another system and the Micromega easily bests it in every way.