Micromega M-One Integrated - any first hand experience?

Hi all,

I'm looking for a modern all-in-one integrated amp that includes a really nice phono stage. (I know, I know, this comes up a lot in the forums!)

The Micromega M-One looks like it might fit the bill – simple in form, good range of connectivity options, rumoured to sound great at shows, etc...  But I haven't seen many decent reviews of it. And that seems a bit odd.

The Parasound Halo (as a comparable integrated) is well covered – lots of opinions on it from the audio media. But this M-One has stayed under the radar even though it's been out for several months. Weird.

I know there's a thread on this amp already, but it was started by a dealer – a very knowledgeable and nice one at that – and it kind of lost focus.

I'm just hoping for an unbiased opinion from anyone who's had first hand experience with the M-One and is willing to share any thoughts on its sound and operation.

Thanks for reading this, guys.
Honestly never tested the phono stage on the Micromega, I am sure it is decent. 

The question is how much and how serious is your vinyl playback.

I have 4,000 records but I tend to enjoy the convenience and good sound of streaming TIdal or flac files. I do love good vinyl playback. The issue is how good do you expect? $4,500.00 for an amp/streamer/dac/phono stage/headphone amp is not exactly huge money. 

I can honestly test it for you and report back. I love the Rega Aria $1,500.00  great phono stage especially with the Rega RP 6 or 8 just outstanding.

What table and cart are you using? 
Hey Dave,
I'm using a Wilson Benesch Full Circle with an Ortofon Quintet Black. It's a decent combo and I use it daily. So yeah, a good amount of vinyl playback going on. I know that a great separate phono stage will always perform better than one jammed into an integrated amp. But I'm hoping the Micromega's is a strong enough performer with MC cartridges to warrant purchasing the unit. Thanks so much for being willing to try yours out with a turntable. I would love to hear your honest impressions of it!
I have a M-One and can state that the phono stage is superb. I use it with my vintage Thorens TD 160 and the combo, despite being unusual, works really well. Totally recommend. 
can i ask a follow up regarding the phono stage? i'm not seeing any literature on the specs of the M-1, other than the sensitivity is 1.2mv and 12mv for MC and MM, respectively. can anyone with more experience in this matter recommend appropriate cartridge output levels for the M-1? in other words, would a MM 2mv output cartridge work with the 12mv sensitivity phono stage (without haveing to crank it up to very high volume levels) or do we need more information about the pre-amp before making that determination? do the cartridge outputs need to match (or closely approximate) the input sensitivity figures or are there other measures to be looking at and comparing? i realize i may not be asking the right question, but that's because i'm not exactly sure how to ask... i'm hoping i've said enough to warrant someone to chime in here. thanks!