Micromega M-100/150 field reports

Got a M-100 or M-150?  Share your setups, tweaks and observations, and help out your homies.

My initial M-100 config and some early observations in this thread.

Things I'm wondering about:

  • hacks & upgrades to LAN infrastructure including h/w, and whether they make an objective difference in reproduction from the M-100/150
  • power cords/supplies, with same question (objective difference?)
  • MARS room correction performance & value
  • whether Micromega will have any relief for the abject instability of their Android control app (circa 2016)

Showing 1 response by aandras

I have a M-150. Sound is lovely, really, but I too experience some anoying problems, especially with its networking implementation. I don’t like the IOS app, it has as several problems. So I tried to integrate the M into my LMS ecosytem, via UPnP. Unfortunately the M-One quite often "disappers" as UPnP device. In this case neither the app nor any other UPnP component can find it. Ping works. The only solution is to do a reboot on the device (or pull and replug the 230V).

Is anybody from you using the M-One as UPnP device without problems?

I tried to contact the manufacturer regarding this issue and Roon inegration but they’ve never answered. I have flashed the latest firmware and network driver (in fact, several times...).