Micro acoustics 2002e Cartirdge and upgrade bug

Hello, I got back into vinyl about 7 years ago and largely have used Micro acoustics 2002e cartridges. I can't remembered how I aquired my first one but I've become accustomed to what I think a fine sound from this cartridge. At the time, it was very highly regarded. I have heard, in other systems, other carts of the likes of the upper-end Grado wood bodies and Shelter 9000 and a few cheaper carts, and I have always felt the 2002e has held it's own against these. Now after a few years, I want to explore new territory and wanted to see if anyone here has had time with the MA 2002e and if they've compared it to other carts. What price range/quality of "modern day" carts would I need to spend to get comprable sound?

I have two phono stages at my disposal: Pass Labs XOno and Dynavector P75 II.

Any input is much appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Aliu: IMHO that Micro Acoustic ( I own it ) has very good quality performance.
Do you already try it with your today audio system?. There are several cartridges vintage/today MM/MI and LOMC that have great quality performance too, some that even the Micro Acoustic performance and some that beat it.
In this last position are the Dynavector XV-1s or the Ortofon A-90, both very good LOMC cartridge examples.

You can do better with this one too: http://cgi.ebay.com/Micro-Acoustics-MA-3002-300Z-MM-phono-cartridge-King-/170473718574?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27b106832e#ht_500wt_1182

or this:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Aliu2: A cartridge decision means which budget we have. Top LOMC ones are pricey.

I concur with Dorkwad especially on the Grace F9E and the Clearaudio Virtuoso.

You can take additional cartridge links here on what I posted in other thread:


yes all those cartridges IMHO performs better that your Micro Acoustics.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dorkwad: Btw, I have not heard in deep the CMMM III but only by brief " moments " but I trust in your opinion about.

regards and enjoy the music,