Micntosh MX 121 claims to 24/192 music but how?

I have a McIntosh MX121 Processor connected to my PC via HDMI. (I also tried over SPDIF) Sound card in the PC is capable of sending 24/192 signal over the HDMI. I am using JRiver software to play all audio FLAC files. But I cannot send a signal over 24/96. I asked several time McIntosh this question but never got a response. There MX121 Brochure say's it can play 24 bit / 192KHZ file, question is how. Every time I try sending signal 24/192 it drops down to 24/96. Any advice?
Please ignore this post, finally I got the answer from Mcintosh. Apparently their HDMI does not support 24/192, several SPDIF's also have limitation of up 96 khz, according to McIntosh. So thaey recommended me to buy HiFace usb to optical adapter.
Hello Friend:
Can you forward me this communication from McInstosh through email to carlos@orbitechpr.com? I'd really like to follow up with them some details.