Michi P5 Preamp Tone control Distortion


Showing 5 responses by jiya3600

@lordrootman Thank you for the update, given the current situation I am not in a panic to get it replaced and I figured this would not be an isolated issue. The pre amp is absolutely gorgeous otherwise sound quality, the built in DAC is very good the total package is beautiful and I am looking to keep it for a very long time.

Please keep me in the loop I will be contacting my dealer next week just to let them know
I have the exact same issue with my Michi P5 bought 1 month or so ago, dead silent with no tone control and hum or noise like sound from the speakers with tone control on.

Wonder if this can be fixed with a firmware update or have to swap out the unit, have to reach out to my dealer to see if their demo unit has the same issues.


Update can be done through the USB port too I forgot about it. BTW did you do a factory reset after doing the firmware update as its recommended in the manual.
Thank you for the update will have to check it out, don't have a network connection near the amp so will have to get a router bridge or extender.

So I am guessing the new firmware didn't solve the problem?

I just did the firmware update, did a full reset & reboot issue not resolved. I tried every single input as soon as the tone control is engaged for that particular input there is hum and distortion from both channels. The hum and distortion is not very loud but it's there no both channels.

As soon as I disengage tone control and put any input in direct mode completely silent. Don't know what to do at this time!