I also own a pair of M8 monoblocks and they are mighty impressive.
My experiences are similar to Ozzy’s.
They drive my MBL 101E mk2s, known for needing high current and the amps do not even break a sweat by pushing them to beyond concert levels.
I also have 4 Parasound JC5s, which I used in bridged mode to drive the MBLs and these also served the speakers justice but were not so musical and sounded thinner/brighter than the Michis.
(The Parasounds are spectecular for the bass only, when they are bridged)
The sound is drop-dead gorgous with the Michis -- sweet with holographic imaging (major characterictic of MBL but if driven with subpar electronics, can sound bright and metallic).
None of the harshness and brightness heard at the shows on many a system--just a sweet, musical presentation.
Call me crazy but I have a second pair of MBL101s for a smaller listening room and the Michi S5 (stereo version) and this can drive the MBLs alone without any problems but the speakers do benefit from biamping (bass is more robust with 2 Michi monos).
The Michis are a great alternative to, and compete with most of the mega-priced amps, often seen at shows. I am curious to hear more opinions and experiences about Michis!