Michell Gyro SE...Light or Heavy style Clamp??

Just wondering which clamp you cats are using with your Michell Gyro TT. I am considering getting a heavy weight clamp for mine. Is this a BAD idea?

With the Michell designed clamp, you must stop the TT to flip the record...which is a P-I-T-A!

Any other record clamp recommendations? Thanks a bunch!

Showing 1 response by mwilson

Audiomax - my Gyro SE spindle is not threaded. The Michell clamp I have (two of them actually) has a knob on the top that you loosen/tighten, but this knob tightens a collet inside the clamp that clamps to the smooth spindle (as opposed to threading the clamp onto the spindle, as a threaded clamp/spindle would.) I haven't seen a threaded spindle on a Gyro SE, but maybe they also exist? This table has undergone a few revisions over the years.