MHDT Orchid with WE 396A Unbalanced

Hi everyone.

I recently picked up a used MHDT Orchid from Canuck audiomart. But I am yet to listen to it as my Tannoy MG15 in under refurbishment and I don't have anything else to listen it on. Orchid came with 4 tubes:

1) GE JAN 5670W NOS

2) Some 5670 made in USSR

I got the next 2 tested and they were found to be unbalanced.

3) WE 396A

Triode a -93℅ at 100v
Triode b-84℅ at 100v 

4) Siemens Halske CCA 88 with adapter.

Triode a -93℅ at 100v
Triode b-84℅ at 100v 

What do these measurements mean. Can they be used in the Orchid? Will an unbalanced tube cause any problem in the dac. Looking for guidance .



Showing 1 response by jjss49


first of all the somewhat imbalanced test readings on those tubes are nothing to worry about... in the mhdt dacs the tubes are in a buffer circuit at the output, so the tubes are run very easy and well within their comfortable operating limits, and so the minor transconductance (effective gain) differences across the two triodes at a narrow tube tester test frequency will be barely heard (if at all)

second, you should try the various tubes and see which you like best, i have found the we 2c51 adds more high end sparkle and air, which is a nice upgrade for some systems

third, in my experience (i have had 5 mdht dacs, including the stock and grannyring modded orchids) using a good 6sn7 or 6dj8 adapter opens up a much wider field of tube choices, my favorites are rca 6sn7’s (greater spaciousness and drive) and the amperex 6dj8 (same, with a nice spotlit midrange clarity)

the fun is in the tube rolling, so enjoy the learning experience!