Interested in hearing about tube rolling experiences with the Orchid and other MHDT dacs, namely, the specific comparative sonic characteristics of the various 396a, 5670 and other compatible tubes used in the output buffer. My only experience is with the WE396a that Linear Tube Audio installed in my new Orchid.

Showing 4 responses by bsme85

Some folks at are using tubes from the ECC88 family. Requires a ECC88 to 6N3/5670 adapter.

RE: the link you provided.  According to the description, it's for a device that already uses a 6992. However, the adapter pins need to be for a 5670 device (i.e. Orchid), and the adapter top accept a 6992. 

I assumed he implied an adapter that would actually work in the Orchid. So, he needs a 6922 to 5670 adapter. 
Which tubes used in the Orchid were "too in your face"? Were they the stock tubes?