Metronome Labs: can I get at least one post

telling me how ANY of their units sound and equally important when buying digital is the quality...did you know that digital players tend to go dead and/or skip...well its true...i can't find even 1 review anywhere... i have a hunch its a great product "can i get a witness"

Showing 1 response by oahuan

I used to own a Metronome CD-1V which I bought as a demo. It is the tubed output version of Metronome's basic, one-box, 20 bit chip player. Get one for somewhere in the vicinity of $1100 (quite a bit more if you get a 24/96 version), and you will have a great buy. It doesn't beat anything in any specific sound reproduction category, but it is simply a wonderful, musical, non-fatiguing, easy to listen to player. Nice looking too, and I liked the remote, although it has been criticized for being cheesy.

Sold this player and bought a used Ayre D-1. The latter is significantly better, as it should be for something that costs 4 times as much.