Merrill Audio Veritas

Hello fellow Audio-goners...

I just wanted to drop a note to say how much I have been enjoying my new Merrill Audio Veritas mono-bloc amps for the last month or so. These amps have been a revelation in my system,bringing to the table a most pure and musical foundation.

The reviews are spot on, and with out a doubt, worth the price of admission. What I like best about these amps are the way they just get out of the way and let the recordings shine in a way that truly sound as if there is no amp at all,kind of like a straight wire with gain,if you will. I do not mean in a sterile,non musical way, but rather, in a highly organic, let the music emotionally communicate to you in a " I can not stop listening to my system... type of way". Very nice indeed.

I would like to thank 'Mattnshilp' for the heads up concerning these amps and how they truly are a great amp in the pure flavor of the music.What else could one ask for.

Kudos and thanks to Merrill Audio for such a great sounding amp. A keeper for sure.

Showing 5 responses by aolmrd1241

Hello Mitch2. Yeah,these class D amps are very impressive in their ability to just get out of the way and let the music flow. I was a little bit hesitant about class D amplification at first,coming from tubes and class A/AB amps in the past... but when the Merrills came into bloom after a few hundred hours of play, my class D prejudice just fell to the wayside...Color me impressed.
Hello tmaple. I have used a single run of speaker cables with jumpers and thought very well of it. As of now... I biwire. I much prefer my biwire configuration... more so than single plus jumpers, but,in all things audio, you need to try these things out for yourself. Personally, I would start with the best single run you can afford plus quality jumpers and then down the road... you could purchase another matching set for biwiring. Good luck in the quest.

Two years now with the Merrill Audio Veritas monoblocks... and still loving them. 8)
Ghosthouse...great reply for bigkidz. I’m sure Merrill would love to give an audition to anyone who would care to drop by his facility.