Merlin with Pass XA 30.8?

I am currently considering trying a Pass XA 30.8 with Merlin TSM's.  I am currently using a MC275 and it does sound pretty good but I am curious as I heard great things about the 30.8.  Just not sure how it would work with Merlins as I think Merlins were voiced with tubes.

Showing 1 response by dgarretson

I'm using Pass XA-160.8s with modified VSMs.  I previously drove the VSMs with a modified BAT VK-75SE.  Both amps (and the XA-30.8s) have ample power for Merlins.  The Pass amps are eerily quiet and smooth on top.  Relative to the tube amp, you may initially perceive this as a loss of HF extension and air.  But I think the Pass sound is more faithful to source.  Try them with and without the Merlin Zobel-- you may not need it.