Merlin VSM-M or VSM-MX vs. Kharma CRM3.2 series

Has anyone compared the strengths and/or shortcomings of the Merlin VSM-M with B-Bam in a premium finish or the VSM-MX with B-Bam vs either the CRM3.2F w or w/o the Enigma upgrade or the CRM3.2D performing in a relatively small environment? Room size is approx. 12x10. The speakers would be powered with OTL's such as Tenor 75/75Wi's or the Joule VZN-80? Musical preferences in both Redbook and SACD formats are blues influenced jazz trios(Clark, Kelly, Phineas Newborn,Chambers,Burrel,early Davis etc.), acoustic,solo cellists,rock and alt. rock.
I am a current owner of the latest version of the VSM-M and have had many pleasurable hours of listening to them in my system. I heard the "X" version at CES this year and feel after listening to the new version there is about a 30% improvement which kept me coming back to the room for more. The "X" version is more dymanic and the bass seems to be tighter and more defined. The richness and clarity of sound struck me as well.

There always were subtle, but audible changes that Bobby did to improve the sound, but IMHO with the "X" version he has taken the speaker to the next level of refinement which I did not think was possible until I heard it. I will be taking mine to the Merlin factory for the upgrade ASAP.

I am running a Metromome CD-2V Signature direct into a Berning ZH270 with Harmonic Technology Pro Silway MkII interconnects and Analysis Plus Bi-Oval 9 speaker cables. I hope to upgrade to an Audio Aero Capitole in the near future as well as Cardas cables.
You guys are like the upper class of the high end. Very discriminating and very demanding. That's great. I'm glad you exist. I've learned a lot by just sitting back in the wings. I've never heard the Karma/Tenor or Merlin/Joule combo. So, I don't know shit about the differences. But I do own the VSM-M with BAM being driven by the latest and greatest Allan Bhagan-tweaked version of David Berning's ZH270. Man-O-Man! To my ears and my pocket book, I've got the best thing going. All thanks go to Bobby Palkovic.
Hi David,
Nice to hear from you again and really glad you are having fun. By the way, the Ellington Jazz Party sounded goofy good on the VPI TNT VI in Vegas.
Thanks again.