Merlin VSM-M and Bass

A bit of background:

Marantz SA-14 SACD player
Sonic Frontier Line 2SE preamp
Belles 150A Hotrod amp
Merlin VSM-M with BBAM

Setup and room:
diagonal placement
speakers about 5-6' apart and fairly close to the side walls in a 20'x20'x10' sloped ceiling room with a big opening into a 20'x12'x8' kitchen

I bought the Merlin's (VSM-SE) about 2 months ago and had Bobby upgrade them to the Millenium w/ BBAM. My question is how can I get more bass from them? These speakers are (were?) going to replace my Revel F30. The Revel's have the bass that I'm looking for, however, from maybe 100Hz on up, the Merlin's are much better. I just do not get the bottom end that the Revel's put out.

Integrate a sub? And if so, any suggestions?

Thank you,

Showing 4 responses by david_berry


Thank you for the incredible customer support. Just a note to fellow Audiogon members, Bobby and I had a long talk about the bass issue that I have in my room and he took the time to tell me more in detail the advice he has given above. Outstanding service.
Thank you all for your responses. Just for closure sake, I am going to mentioned what happened this weekend. I had the Revel F30 hooked up to the equipment listed above and again, the bass was better (more "present")than I remembered for the Merlins (about 150 Hz and below - I have the Stereophile Test Disc #3). I then hooked up the Merlins almost in the same manner that I had before (biwired, same placement, etc.), however, this time I actually installed the cones instead of just the threaded spikes and had let the BBAM charge for a few days while listening to the Revels (although I only listened prior in full AC mode). No other changes that I can think of. I used a couple of CD/SACDs that I am familiar with that had some good bass and, long story short, there it was! It was as though I had the VSM's wired out of phase before and now wired correctly. I was originally looking at purchasing the REL Strata III (another ~$1000), but am not now as the bass can tunefully rattle the room when it is there on the disc. The music lover in me doesn't care why this happened (break-in, cone installation, incorrectly wired(?)) but is happy. The audiophile in me will try and figure out why. The BBAM was used all the time (prior and now) in the full AC mode to ensure that the batteries were not drained.

Count me as another Merlin happy camper.


I have my Merlin's on four feet. I, too have pretty decent carpeting/underpad AND a five year old boy. I found that when I gently held his head in my hands, bent over with my face about 6" away from his and softly said that these speakers are worth more than my car, he understood. Unfortunately, he mentions this to guests.


Give Bobby a call at Merlin ( He is more than helpful.


Just looking at my old thread and thought that I should make a posting of what has occured over the year.

I still have the same speakers. They are just too damn good to let go. I did have an "affair" for a short while with the likes of Gershman Avant Garde RX-20's (sorry Bobby!) and also tried the Merlin's with a REL Storm III while still having the SF Line 2 SE preamp.

They are now set up with two of the Z feet on the front left and right and the third is center back. My preamp is now a Joule Electra LA 100 Mk III, and the rest is the same EXCEPT I have changed where the speakers are situated in my room about 6 months ago.

The biggest improvement? The replacement of the preamp. OK, Ok Bobby you were right. A more fuller, relaxing, overall a more musical sound to me. Once I replaced the preamp, I sold the REL that I had for about 2 months. It simply was not required anymore. Next the three toe installation about 2 weeks ago. I had it via 4 feet, but decided to live life in the fast lane (now also have a 19 month old walking around) and, again, as Bobby says, just a more "there" bass. With Stereophile Test CD #3 and my RS digital SPL meter where my head usually is when listening, I get a full output response to 31.5 Hz. There is some output at 25Hz (about 7 dB lower than 31.5) and really none at 20 Hz.

As stated over and over again, match these speakers up to great (not necessarily very expensive) equipment, and these speakers shine.

