Merlin owners who have modified x-over?

Who has modifies or would like to modify the merlins, which caps have been used or considered.
AF, as stated you are a troll but I was wondering about your response. You answered "me neither" to whom? The previous replies were positive but you stated a negative? If you are going to persist as a pest at least make your comments appropriate. Otherwise, no one will read your answers/questions and then take no notice of your online shop. Which of course brings up your true motives being in this forum at all??
I find Bobby P's sharing of an on-going R&D project refreshing. There are very few manufacturers who bother to participate in these forums at all. I doubt those who decline to do so are reticent owing to ethical concerns about mixing advertising in an "open forum." Rather than share information, they are as likely determined to wrap their R&D in a cloak of invisibility.
af, then how about this, when i get some clydesdale horses you will know i am really advertising.
best, b