Merlin Master VSM

Category: Speakers

I received these gorgeous speakers about 3 weeks ago.They replace a pair of VSM mme's with master bam which I thought were very good speakers. What amazes me is that other owners who upgraded from previous versions reported incremental improvements. I think the MXM's leave previous versions in the dust. As the speakers and the new bam broke in I was astounded by what these speakers were capable of. I wish I had my camera ready when a friend came over to hear the
speakers. I played the Shostakovich Piano Quintet hi-res. After about 30 seconds he turned to me with a look of shock and awe and said "they're right here in the room." That reaction from a non-audiophile sums up the difference between older models and many other speakers I've heard namely the ability to project an event with a palpable presence into the room. Basically the system is capable of not only greater transparency and detail throughout the whole audible range but they are also fuller sounding and more relaxed with greater impact. The bass is just amazing, full and powerful and contributes greatly to a soul satisfying sound. Instruments and voices are reproduced with nuance and refinement and just sound more real. Being able to toe these speakers in more than the old ones has given me a better center image along with much improved soundstaging. With some recordings I am completely surrounded by the sound. I can differentiate between tonal qualities of various pianos in recordings I listen to more than I ever could. The only potential problem is you can't listen to these speakers casually. I tried and it doesn't work. They command your attention. Every recording is a revalation. I should also say that when I first hooked the speakers up and played them I was using the old master bam I noticed a slight emphasis in the lower treble and the soundstage wasn't as developed as I'd hoped. Bobby advised me to install the new bam asap. That change addressed those issues instantly and completely. Amazing when you consider the major difference is an internal change to Cardas Clear wiring. I plan on changing over all of my cabling in the future and reporting back on the improvements. Based on what I heard in the new master bam I expect them to be significant. In short, I love these speakers. They are gems and I couldn't live without them. My system consists PS Audio PWT, Audio Aero prima dac, PS Audio P10 and OCM 800 amplifier and JPS labs cables.
I received my Master VSM’s recently and so far they have exceeded my expectations. I have been through a few single driver setups, B&W 805’s and most recently a pair of Usher’s that I still have. All paired with a REL sub. Not satisfied with any combination to date I decided to take the plunge and purchased the Merlin’s. The difference has been night and day. I acknowledge that these are a definite upgrade in class from the previously mentioned speakers, but I cannot imagine much more improvement to be had other than cable upgrades and room acoustics. The bass is exceptionally accurate, tight and responsive. The highs are all there without being to overbearing. Live recordings actually sound live. All this with just unpacking and plugging them in! Once they break in a bit more I will worry about spacing, room acoustics and the cables. I am sure I will end up moving them between rooms a bit also as I do not have an ideal listening room yet. Just enjoying the new detail that these are bringing to my digital music collection. I'm running an Audio Research VS115 amp, Parasound JC2 pre and a Wyred-4-Sound Dac2.
Thanks for the great info fellas.
I've never heard Merlins but always loved their look !
I can only agree: One year into using my VSM MXM's I will stay with them. I disclose: Longtime Merlin user, TSM MME, VSM MXE, and now this. Otherwise no affiliation.

Highly recommended!