Meridian, Ayre, Musical Fidelity, Ayon, Lector $2k

The current leaders in the $2-3k range for used. What do you guys think?

Meridian seems to be back on track after the cheap CD loader on the G08, though I'm not sure about the sliding CD loader on the G08.2. Are they still KOTM?

Is the MP filter offered by Ayre going to surpass Meridian? The white paper on the Ayre website gets analyzed by the Meridian forum. Cool stuff!

Why do people bash Musical Fidelity? Isn't the A1008 a good single box CDP? Where's the love or is the bashing justified?

What's the deal with Ayon Audio? NKOTB or the real deal?

What will happen with Lector's pricing when the cdp-7t MkIV version comes out?

Will this be THE thread for all those with $2-3k to spend? I'm thinking yes! Regardless, I'd like to know because I need to replace my CDP and posting which is best is like asking someone if their kid is cute.

My system:
Yamamoto A-08S
Zu Definition Pro w/Rane PEQ55 EQ
Canary CA-903 Line stage
Canary CA-400 Phono stage
Roksan Radius V w/Zyx Airy cart.

Showing 1 response by drmarg

Just purchased, received and connected the new Ayon CD-2 into my system. My initial reaction to the first few discs spun on this unit is nothing but pure joy. I never thought that a digital piece of equipment could sound so much like vinyl!! It seems to combine the naturalness of vinyl with the detail and transparency of solid state. Can't wait to break it in and enjoy the sonic evolution. Two channel system set-up (for now) is:

McIntosh MA-7000 - BEAST!
Ayon CD-2 with Granite Audio RCA interconnects
Focal Diablo Utopias with Synergistic Research Accelerator cables
REL B-2 Sub (soon to be connected via Syneristic Research cable)
Shunyata Research Hydra Model 4 power conditioner
Analysis Power chords