Mental and auditory acuity, and aging

Mental and auditory acuity, and aging

Once we hit 60 or concerns change. Besides the obvious ones, I wonder if our ability to stay in the moment and enjoy music lessons. Heaven forbid.

I thank my mother for opening my eyes to healthy food as a boy. I’m 70 at the moment, and as mentally sharp as ever. I remember eating alfalfa sprouts instead of lettuce. I can still hear the jeers at cafeteria, “Look, he’s eating grass.” I smiled secretly and watched them eat their white bread ham sandwiches and guzzle their Cokes.

I know this is off our usual topics, but after a lifetime of ‘not indulging’, and researching health, I’d be happy to share a few things that really help to keep my mind sharp. I don’t feel it is correct to name the regime or products here. If you’d like to know, just PM me. I’m not affiliated with any of the products. I’m hoping admin will allow this.


Showing 2 responses by tvrgeek

Taking your post to lean to the audio hobby: 

Not far behind you, for sure things change. As we age, the fluid in our inner ear thickens reducing our high frequencies. Getting old stinks, but I don't like the alternative. 

Going through life most people have some hearing loss from loud sounds. Gunfire ( defective Military ear plugs), Who concerts, Lawn mowers etc. We have been pretty careful, but where I had been tested to 22K in my 20's, the last tweeters I tested on the bench seemed to roll off above 15K. Not bad for an old fart though.  My father loved his AR-2's, but he flew both seats in B-25's so had no HF hearing at all.  Everyone ends up in a different place. 

How important music is and can you continue to get evolved for listening I do not think is directly age related.  Not for me at least. I want music almost all the time and I still just sit and listen. 

How to keep your mind sharp is a topic that fortunately has been studied a little. Good old crossword puzzles, constant reading, thinking and discussing not just watching the news.  Basically, to keep your brain, use it. The topic of age and retirement comes up occasionally. I have known people in their 90's who were sharper than I ever was, and people in their 50's that should be put to pasture.   It depends.  ( I have also known people in their 30's that were dumber than a stick in the mud, so age may not treat them well) .

How we deal with stress effects our thinking. I loved the quote from Junior Johnson ( NASCAR driver, chief, owner)  " I don't get stressed, I cause it".  I suggest, just my personal view, stress has a lot more to do with health than just food.  I have been on a "seafood diet" all my life. I see food. I eat it.  We are learning it all has far more to do with genetics.  I am so far very lucky to not be on any medications. I should take Glucosamine for my joints, but I forget. ( it does work) 

Yea, learning our limitations. Worked too hard in the yard and man am I in pain. :)

So, a bit of Harry James and life is good.