Memory Player vs Dedicated PC-TopUSB Conv and DAC

Has anybody owning the Memory Player compared it to a dedicated PC system using software(such as EAC and Foobar, and by-passing the gremlins of Windows Media ) with a good USB2 to AES/EBU converter, like the Offramp available from Emperical Audio to a top quality DAC.
Is this the future for transports?

Showing 1 response by aplhifi

This is very interesting!

Has this median reached the stage that it betters the performance than the top mechanism/drives from Esoteric.

The vibration-free VRDS-NEO drive by Esoteric also uses a type of "RUR" and SDRAM memory to read the audio data from. IMO, there are some important advantages the VRDS-NEO transport has over computer based solutions. I am not saying computer audio is bad but I’d take the VRDS-NEO any time. :-)

There are processes going on in the player after RUR which processes the data and helps create the Memory Player's sound.

I thought that the so called audiophile quality is about purity and unaltered audio information reproduced as close to the originally intended way as possible. Isn’t it? I wasn’t aware that audio data processing “helping” creating the sound we want is an option when it comes to the High-End audio industry. Well, now I know! :-)
