Member's recommendations for tube amplification

Your thoughts on options to consider:

- I'd prefer SET (open to DHT but not a requirement).

- I'm not looking for overtly warm, romantic or lush options.

- Minimum power in the teens to twenties, 10W being the floor.

- Open to higher power push-pull amps, but let's limit ceiling to around 60W.

- Single ended is fine though having XLR inputs would be nice (doesn't have to be true balanced)

- I'm cool with single chassis or monos.

- I have preferences for tube types, but leaving it open ended to get broad recommendations.

- I'm currently running an all solid state system, though have had tube based systems built around ARC, BAT, Ayon, Melody, Pathos, etc.

- Preamp will be a Pass XP-20 or the Metrum Adagio DAC direct to the amp.

- I'd like to stay around 3K used but can push the budget to 6K new/used.

- Speaker sensitivity is 94dB and higher.


Showing 18 responses by david_ten

@larryi Thank you very much. Great points.

I understand the limitation of the 300B and it happens to be one of the tubes I haven’t been a fan of in the past.

I’m open to reconsidering since I keep reading how, in some implementations, designers are getting a more ’modern’ sound from their 300B amps.

In the case of one of my speakers (the Tekton Double Impacts; soon to be the SE version), based on what I’ve learned about it over the past six months, I believe a 300B amp will pair well, even a classically voiced 300B, and probably to my liking. Especially so if I’m driving it direct with the Metrum Adagio.

I like that there are many options in terms of 300B amp makers, availability, and for sale and resale.

I have a preference for 2A3, but the power output is a real concern. As you mention, a parallel design would likely meet my lower output threshold. Likely a pricier option and not as easy to get right, as you point out.

I’ll take a look at Synthesis and Audio Note as well as research the 6L6 amps.
@atmasphere   Ralph, Thank you very much for your thoughts and advice and direction.

I'm taking notes. : )  

Agreed on the higher powered push-pull solutions, but am also getting feedback to stick to SET from members who I respect and who have also tried different combinations with the speakers I currently have. Obviously, this comes down to personal preference which is why I have reached out for other options. I've had good experiences with push-pull amps in the past.

Your S-30 and M-60 are on my radar.

@almarg   Thank you for pointing that out. I'd rather play it safe with matching the amp to the speaker appropriately. 

Appreciate the link to the M-60s on offer by Duke / AudioKinesis. And for the information on your VAC Renaissance amp. 
First, a hearty thank you to everyone and a general shout out of appreciation and gratefulness for all of your posts and contributions. This has already been very helpful.

The multiple of choices are great but certainly overwhelming especially when I add the strong recommendations from the Tekton Double Impact thread to the mix. From that thread:

- The Triode Lab A23 amp and the Aric Audio KT88/120 amp come highly recommended by Terry London in his evaluation of two of the Tekton Design speakers.

- The M300B Frankenstein Mk2 also comes highly recommended by Charles ( @charles1dad ) as well as from those of you who recommended it above in this thread.

- and the Linear Tube Audio gear has been discussed extensively.

Just to muddy the waters...I'm in New muddy waters it is!

I just wrapped up an in-home demo of Volti Audio Rivals today, which are horn-loaded hybrid speakers, 6Ohm, with a listed sensitivity of 100dB (I did not measure in room). Immensely musically and emotionally engaging is an apt descriptor. At the shows they have been paired with Border Patrol gear.

I don't have immediate plans to bring something like the Rivals or a slightly higher level Volti speaker or something similar into the mix...but I can see doing so in about one year.

The Tekton Double Impacts are 4Ohm with a listed sensitivity of  98.82dB 2.83V@1m. Those who have measured, say 95dB/1W/1m, and I believe the math ~~ works out on that. I don't know for sure, but expect the SE version to come in slightly lower, therefore my 94dB figure.

When considering my amp choices, I do have an eye on both of these speakers and my reason for mentioning "94dB and higher." 

I fully realize it's probably best to optimize an amp pairing for each individual speaker, therefore focusing on what's in hand is appropriate.
@grannyring   These two speakers make me feel like talking about light.

The Rivals remind me of that late afternoon glow from the sun that’s warm, soft, golden hued and alluring. A wonderful time of the day. Existential happiness.

The Double Impacts remind me of daytime sun on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific, an hour after that mid-afternoon shower has passed through. The atmosphere has been cleansed, the wetness glistens, the sunlight is direct and clear, shadows are short. Realization of a living, breathing and vibrant planet.

I'll post more on the Audiogon thread related to the Volti Vittora. 

I thoroughly enjoy both speakers.

However, we found one interesting exception to that rule. Pairing a 12 watt 300B with a pair of Fritz Carbon 7 speakers (88 dB, 6 ohm) at a very popular audio show.

I believe @glennewdick  is reporting the same with his Finale amp.

I'm bringing this up because @teajay Terry London has brought up how a 1W output from the LTA MZ2S pre/amp was able to drive the Tekton Double Impact. His favorite combination is the LTA MZ2S as pre and a Triode Lab 2A3 (3.5W) for power amp. He finds that's all he needs to drive the speakers effectively and is loving this pairing/system.

Do you and others have thoughts about and an explanation for this? Thanks.
@mountainsong  and @lalitk 

Can you expand on why Mastersound?  Thanks.

I've had Ayon in system before and liked what they did. 
And here I thought I was asking a simple question. : )

 @grannyring  @clio09  @charles1dad  @larryi  @atmasphere 

Thanks to all for the vigorous discussion. It has been immensely helpful. It's good to be back in school. 

I've followed convention and general norms on the issue of how much power is "right" by speaker sensitivity, etc.

Terry's findings with the LTA MZ2S with the Double Impact were difficult to accept when he first posted them. It's obvious it worked for him, his music choices, listening levels, his room, etc. though he did augment with slightly more power, though much lower than those 'norms' would dictate. Others followed and tested the same with replicated results, but also acknowledged that a few more watts of power was advisable.

It appears that there are clearly exceptions to the 'rule' and perhaps more than we would think or have tried. @clio09 's example being one that really stands out. Finale another. LTA/Triode one more, etc. etc. based on very specific speaker pairings from yours and others' posts in this thread.

In my case, your posts and the back and forth have made me much more comfortable taking a "risk" with a lower powered SET amp. That's good news, I think,...though it does widen the choices to consider. 

I'm looking forward to @teajay reporting on the Double Impact SEs ... his take will likely help and direct a possible choice. 

No decisions as of yet. I've had to start a Google Sheet to keep track of all the amp choices and who made the recommendations so I can reach out more specifically when I get closer to doing so.

Having the Pass XA-30.8 makes the wait very easy.


If there are other recommendations out there, please post!!!
@jond   thanks for bringing Deja Vu Audio to my attention. 

@djfst  @willgolf and @cougarbradley Thanks for your tips on Viva, Raven and K&K.

@jb505  Another vote for Quicksilver! Thanks.

Appreciate the recommendations. The list is getting quite robust. I'll add these to the Sheet matrix. 
@sbayne @seikosha @mac48025 and @kdude66  Thanks for your recommendations from another thread. 
@rmasoni   Thanks for the heads-up on the 300B or 6B4G specific David Berning amps.

His products are way beyond my reach, but the amp you are using and it's cost are in the doable realm. I wouldn't have considered Berning's amps due to the cost, so your pointing this one out is super helpful.
@rmasoni Rick, interestingly I clicked on one of the Agon ads...for the Voxativ Zeth speaker and one of the ’blurbs’ from a show mention the 6B4G driving these speakers.

@rspyder Ray, I came close to buying an Octave integrated amplifier a number of years ago...ended up going with an Ayon. Another German player, Lyric is newer to the U.S. Any thoughts?

I’ve been focused on an amp and did not specify an integrated as an option in my opening post. I already have nearly 40 recommendations!

Do you and others feel / believe I should be open to a tube integrated amplifier?

Pros/ Cons? Thanks.
@jmac7  Thanks for bringing up the Line Magnetic integrated. I'm familiar with it. It was a wonderful pairing for my demos of the Devore O/96s.

@charles1dad   Charles, how could I forget, with all the early discussion in the DI thread around it. LM508ia must feel quite neglected now that the thread has moved on to those other two amps!  : ) 

Let me ask again, is it 'better' for me to pursue an amplifier separate for my application or should I also add tube integrateds to the mix. I don't have space issues or other factors that would necessitate a single box and I do have a preamp (which, however, could be used in a secondary system if I did go with an integrated).

Will it make a difference - how so? Are the differences not significant enough to be a factor? Thanks.
I've been reflecting about the integrated amplifier option for 24 plus hours now and I think it's best for me to stay focused on a pure amplifier at this time.

I'm saying this fully realizing that something like the Octave or Line Magnetic or other higher performing tube integrated amp could and would work beautifully.

Thanks to all of you for reaching out with those options.  
@almarg  and @swampwalker   since you recommended VAC,

and others who may know:

What are the reasons for the number of VAC Phi-200 listings?

Is it purely due to the replacement Signature 200iQ?
Thanks for the responses to my question about the VAC Phi 200.

@mountainsong  Did you order the Pf100 or the Compact 845 integrated?  The PF is waaaay outside of the realm of possibility. 

Please share your findings and impressions of your Mastersound gear.
Time has flown. Over three months have passed since Charles' post.


- The Tekton Design Special Edition Double Impacts (SEs) went in system on December 1st.
- I chose the Denafrips Terminator DAC over the Metrum Adagio.
- I recently ordered the Lyric Audio Ti 140 Mk 2 Push-Pull Integrated amp.


- The SEs are a 4Ohm design, with a listed sensitivity of 99dB 2.83V @1M 
- My room size is 19 ft wide (front wall) by 26 ft long by 9 ft high; with a partial divide at the midpoint, at 13 ft.
- Speakers are >4 ft from the front wall to the speaker back and ~5 feet to each side wall from the closest speaker side. Equilateral triangle with approx. 8ft sides, center to center to center.
- Most of my listening sessions are not loud. I average 60 to 70dB with max peaks in the high 80s; as measured at my listening position (via an app, A weighted); I often listen in the high 50s out of respect for family, when they are close by; the room, with nominal/regular background noise, runs in the low to mid 40s.
- Current pre and amp are the Pass XP-20 and XA-30.8

The Lyric Ti 140 Mk2 will come equipped with a KT150 quad (70W). Other power tube options are EL34/KT88/KT120;  12AX7 for Input stage; 12AU7 for Phase reversal; and 6SN7s as the power tube driver. Negative feedback is variable/adjustable. Here is the link to Lyric should you want more info:

My rationale for choosing a Push-Pull Integrated is primarily Educational, to help determine direction and a final tube amp pairing with the SEs. It isn't / wasn't a choice to replace my Pass separates. My system as is, especially after the Sonore Signature Rendu SE and Denafrips DAC additions and with the SEs as the new speakers, is performing fabulously.

I just re-read this thread and it continues to be very informative for me  A number of your amp recommendations are still on my list. Thank you for all of your contributions.

If you have a reaction to the choice of the Lyric amp (positive or negative) please let me know why / your thoughts. If you have advice on how to proceed and evaluate direction with the Lyric as a component, please share. Thank You!!!