Melos Audio Restoration going strong...

This post is a retraction to a previous one I made out of frustration towards the fine folks at Melos Audio Restoration. I jumped to an unwarranted conclusion that was false and would like to set the record straight. I have been contacted by Will And Jerry and we have discussed our positions on this matter and they have graciously accepted my apology and I hope that all of you in the Audio community will too. Although they are a small operation and are understaffed, these 2 fine gentlemen are extremely devoted to their work and customers and take pride in seeing that every unit that enters their shop is restored back to its previously glorious working condition...perfection doesn't happen overnight and I failed to recognize this fact. Thanx to all for allowing me this opportunity to clear the air, the reputation of these devoted men and hopefully my name as well...Sincerely, Jeff
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Showing 1 response by driveright7739

Greetings from Canada!
First of all,I would like to thank
Willard Guering and Jerry for the top quality repairs on
my Melos 180 amp.There are negative comments that are not
true. The comments, if I would of, doesn't count in real life.
Melos Audio Restoraion IS a world class business. Secondly,
no communication is false. They returned E-Mails and phone
calls for me. Thirdly,Willard repaired and upgraded my amp.
This is called meticulous workmanship with a lot of care.
Also,it takes time for the new parts to brake in after
repairs and upgrades.The process may not be 2 weeks on
every piece of equip.On some upgrades, it may be less, it
varys.If,a part fails as it brakes in, it is not the fault
of the company.So,the quick service that most want in this
high paced world,turns into meticulous service.
Melos Audio Restoration is world class.