Mellencamp vs. Seger vs. Springsteen

When I was growing up these were some of the most prolific singer/songwriters. I'm curious what Audiogon members view as their favorite. Look forward to your comments!

Showing 1 response by martykl


There was a Brit trio of singer songwriters that emerged at roughly the same time that was as much or more my speed:

Graham Parker
Elvis Costello
Joe Jackson

Sort of parallel universes. Different, but connected for me by my memories of that time. Its easy to see how individual preferences could lead to any of the six, but

Of this lot, Graham Parker has probably held up best,....Mellencamp the worst....for me.

But this is definitely a personal chocolate vs vanilla kind of thing

BTW, I just saw GP & The Rumour perform last week. They still got it going on.