Melco C1-D20 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable


I replaced my top tier Finisar SFP's & Corning Premium Fiber with the Melco C1 SFP+ Direct Attach Cable. This cable was not cheap (around $850-$950). Ordered mine from Wally at Underwood HiFi. It was shipped quickly from Luxman. The Melco C1 cable connects 2 Sonore Optical Modules Deluxe that are between Verizon Fios G-3100 router & switch. Muon Pro & Muon Pro Streaming Cable are between switch & streamer.

No need for A/B test because the differences were obvious & quite pleasant indeed. Signifantly deeper soundstage & with that an even more realistic feel for the room, more distance between layers, as if you can see & hear the other side of the instrument, creating a more 3D image. It's as if you can reach out & hold each note in your hands.

Suffice to say, I am grinning from ear to ear. I will happily provide more feedback when the run-in process is complete.

Place the Melco C1 in your isolated system & you'll be in for a real treat.


Showing 5 responses by maxwave


On ´´ AudioShark ´´ thread : Question and answer. Juilly 22 2024

’´Can the melco c1d20-sfp-a direct connection cable be used with the L2?´´

´´No, that cable is SFP+ which no LUMIN devices support.´´

I hope my 2 ordered Melco cables can be used with my Lumin L2 and Lumin X1




I have bought 2 of these cables according to you.

Lets hope they will deliver.  👍

I learned in a You Tube video , by a reviewer , that the Moun Pro , filters noise at 1000mbps.

Whitch is rather rare .  Usually , speed is noise . 100mbps ethernet filters is the norm . Muon Pro is a very highend filter.



Well ,  you sent me a PM saying : ´´ Does your switch have an SFP cage? You may find the Melco C1-D20 SFP+ Direct Attach cable to your Lumin works even better. ´´

Remember ??

According to WKLIE , answering me about the cable and Lumin  a few minutes ago : 

´´ It likely won’t work. In case it works for you, please let me know.´´


Thanks for your expertise .....