Meitner i upgrades

New i upgrades are available for Meitner DACs. It’s an extensive upgrade requiring a trip back to the factory in Calgary, Ontario and dealers are facilitating the process. I should be getting a return authorization number soon to send in my MA3. Cost for the MA3 upgrade is $3500. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement for a not outrageous cost (by hi-end audio standards). Details are on the Meitner website.


It requires a return authorization from Meitner and shipment back to the factory. As previously noted, it’s a comprehensive parts upgrade:

"Next generation 16xDSD MDAC2™ DAC paired with the updated MDAT2™ DSP
Latest generation VControl™ volume system from the EMM Labs DV2i
Supports DSD128/2xDSD, DXD, and MQA®
New advanced network streamer for seamless music streaming integration."

The new streamer now supports DSD 128. I am about to ship mine to Meitner for the upgrade. Do those who have had the upgrade performed have any new impressions to share?

Paullb, thanks for your reply.  Mine is heading to Canada tomorrow.  I will share my thoughts once I have it back in my system.

Safe travels for your dac. Please let me know what you think. Don’t be put off by my lack of additional info. I think the new unit is noticeably better and a bargain. I’ve never been one to think the sound of components changes significantly over a long time. Been doing this a while and I know what I like sonically and can tell within a few days at most if I like a new component or set up.