Meitner DCC2

I have asked this question in another thread but would appreciate more feedback if any.

That CDSD-DCC2 is great is not much in doubt. My question is with regards to DCC2's pre-map funcationality and specifically its quality.

Would u recommend hooking it up directly to power amps, thus suing its pre-amp funcationality, or by passing and thus using a separate quality pre-amp? If so any in particular? I have Linn Klimaxx 500 Monoblocks.
Thanx for the feedback: look fwd to your conclusions, Lugnut. I am getting my CDSD-DCC2 in a couple of days now. Its been almost a 3 month wait: I live in HK and they had to adjust power supplies for non US customers apparently. Can't wait!

Do a member search for Vetterone and check out his system. He has a fresh post regarding what you want to know. We both have been too busy to get together since I first posted to this thread. I've been building him an equipment rack and hopefully it will be back from powder coating later this week so we can get together and set it up. I'll be able to hear how this unit sounds with some hours on it then. Congrats on getting this gear for yourself. You will not be disappointed! This is by far the finest digital I've every heard. It's a shame the preamp doesn't have a phono stage though.
Great point. Thanks for mentioning it. Yes absolute phase inversion was taken into account.
Regards., Realrookie

Both of you mention "Paramount". Do you both mean "Parasound"?
I've never heard of this brand "paramount" & am wondering if it is a new brand or a typo? Thanks!

Bombaywalla, I believe they are talking about the First Sound paramount. It is higher up the line from the First Sound presence deluxe.