First of all everyone is assuming someone actually buys this stuff. Acoustical Systems will be lucky to sell 5 of these turntables. Wealthy people did not get wealthy by being stupid. The question I always ask myself in trying to remain impartial is, if I had the money would I buy this? For the Apolite the answer is a resounding no.
Most of the megabuck systems I have heard over the years did not sound near worth the money spent on them. Only a few of the owners were really into audio and for many of them the system was just a trophy to impress their friends, just like a Rolex.
The most ridiculous thing I would buy would be Atma-sphere MA 3 amplifiers. I think they are the coolest amps on the planet.
At any rate it is very possible to build a first class SOTA system for $100K to $150K dollars. And, there is the art in it. Anyone can throw money at a system but regardless of what you buy you still have to make it work well. The highest levels of performance require hard work and thoughtfulness.