Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.

Showing 1 response by danvignau

Having moved from Tennessee to Boca Raton for college tennis, I was often invited to the Boca Hotel and Club to play.  It did not take very long to realize that asking the club members, especilly our northern Palm Beach friends,  what they did was futile. Yes, one was on the board of Chrysler, one had sold a chain of drug stores in Kentucky, etc , but  several had made their money the old fashioned way:  By sheer will:  Yes, as in probate.     Most were from families that had not really worked for any needed wages for generations, having ancestors who founded, for example a big thee auto company, a giant auto parts chain, a huge insurance company, a giant bank, which founder still has his statue in front of a Jacksonville bank.  Other families had been wealthy for so long that they barely knew where their wealth originally came from.  Interestingly, the were not audiophiles.  One Sear exec was.  He still brags about his giant 12" (double woofer) Fisher speaker hanging from his ceiling at one of his homes.     
     These folks had nothing to prove to others, at least nothing as mundane as stereos.  My boss did win the best for the yacht interior at the Monaco Gran Prix, but lost it the next year, requiring a multi-million dollar upgrade.  These people's girls really liked me, but as they found out, I was on a different team. Too Bad!  I could have worried about how good my boat was, instead of how good I can make actual musicians' music sound.     Now where can I get new trestles for my speaker wires!?!