Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?

Acoustical Systems Apolyt Turntable ($349,000), 1190.5lbs (540kg) for example. I will try to upload a picture.

Showing 2 responses by csmgolf

No, you are not John. You are dletch2, adio2design, hotdogbob, sugabooger, atdavid, roberttdid dannad, and I am not sure how many others. 

Truly, you are lower than even geoffkaitt was. He was here about 20 years and had more than 20,000 posts. When he was finally banned for abusive behavior, he went away like a man. He hasn't created a new user name and come back. That is far more than can be said about you. You have been banned 10 times give or take and you still come back. Be a man and go away. You already have the record for most times being banned. 
@chicagoblue1977  The pattern is the same for each one of them. One gets banned, the next pops up (i.e. Sugabooger went away a couple of days ago, and this one shows up). Prolific posting for each alternate personality (10-20 posts per day) for the extent of the stay. Posting style is the same. This one came in yesterday and has 14 posts. The vast majority of posts are argumentative and condescending. Every one of these characters are hardline objectivist. It is really not that hard to figure out.