Meeting up at RMAF this year

If I am not mistaken, there was a venue opposite the Marriot last year, where Gonners got to socialise, over a tincture or three. I have decided to visit the colonies this year from the UK and wondered if anything was going to happen this year? It may be too early for anyone to have thought about it.

Showing 7 responses by david12

The only problem for me is the Swine Flu. I am a family Doctor in the UK and we really are in the middle of a real epidemic, you are worse over the pond of course. Fortunately it seems to be mild, but the most foolproof way of catching it, is by flying.
I suspect the flu may keep some away anyway, if they are afraid of crouds
Nowone seems to be coming up with any suggestions. Is there a bar nearby we could advertise as a meeting point? I suppose we could say Garcias, just as last year. I do'nt know anything about the geography around RMAF and can't arrange anything with Garcia's, as I live in the UK.
If you are happy with it, then there is no problem. It is rather like intelligence, beauty etc. However bright, handsome you are, there will always be someone brighter and more handsome. I just live with it. There will be systems at RMAF costing upwards of $500,000, not that cost is everything. Of course some will be better than mine. I partly go to be reassured that some very expensive systems sound worse than mine. Not really suprising, as they are newly set up in a non ideal room.

I am specifically coming from the UK, for a semi retirement break after working 32 years in the National Health Service, in the UK. Also, I want to listen to some specific kit, with a view to a retirement present, for me of course. This is probably the only time I will ever get to RMAF and it might have been nice to meet up with some of you guys

Apropos of nothing, how come some of the right wing media rottweilers over there, have got it in for the NHS. The invective seems rabid and ill informed. Not that ignorance has ever proved a barrier to commentary in some parts of the media, all over the world.
aggielaw, that is what I would like to do, but I have not been to Denver and am not clear how to arrange a place or time. That is why I am seeking suggestions.

As for the NHS, I am a 61 year old family doctor and still have'nt been euthanased. What I loved best was the comment about Profesor Steven Hawking when he met the President for a medal in the WhiteHouse. Some bright spark suggested he would have been killed years ago under the NHS. He gently pointed out he was British and had been kept alive for 30+ years, by the NHS, when the normal life expectancy with diagnosed Motor Neurone disease is 3 to 5 years. I rest my case about the shear dumb stupidity about some of the comments.

The NHS is a wonderful service providing reasonable world class care to everyone for free. Is it the best care in the world? No. Has it got failings? absolutely. Having studied in the US, I know it provides excellent care for most, every system fails. When I see US citizens as an emergency in my practice, they are incredulous that treatment is free to them too, at least, for urgent problems

Sorry, we are getting off the point regarding RMAF
Thankyou listencubes, I have been struggling a bit as I am across the pond in Europe. I have spoken to the Lift Restaurant and they are happy to host a get together. I will make a separate thread suggesting that locale
Just to be clear, the meeting point is the Lift restaurant in the Marriott, between 6 and 8pm on friday and saturday evenings. Hope to see some of you there.