Mcintosh with Ayre pre-amp

I have always wanted a Mcintosh power amp and love the way they sound, but I don't know if it would pair well with my Ayre K-5xe preamp. I haven't been able to find anyone with this combination. Maybe this is an indicator that mixing Ayre with Mcintosh is a bad idea? Before I drop a few G's on a Mac amp, what would you guys advise? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by almarg

The output impedance of the Ayre preamp is quite low, and will be far lower than, and therefore completely compatible with, the input impedance of virtually any power amp, including the ones you are considering.

Regarding your recent thread about hiss levels, however, the way things were left I would have some concern that after changing amps to one of the McIntosh's you are considering you might still find that excessive hiss is present.

-- Al