An older topic but anyhow..
I read things above as it never sounds as live a 3d amp stagepicture..and will never be...
I own rowland gear and satisfie me after 35 years of many brands in high end land.
What it does is bring the meaning of the performance over in a confincing way as if it was ment to be.
Give the feel of the musical event,that,s all audio can bring.
I have heard systems of almost a million dollars which did not move me at all and set ups of 20 k wich did the,s all about matching ,
Also it is what you expect of the performance so that you dont have to look any further and be settled for a few years till the spark for searching comes back....
Enjoy the music!
I read things above as it never sounds as live a 3d amp stagepicture..and will never be...
I own rowland gear and satisfie me after 35 years of many brands in high end land.
What it does is bring the meaning of the performance over in a confincing way as if it was ment to be.
Give the feel of the musical event,that,s all audio can bring.
I have heard systems of almost a million dollars which did not move me at all and set ups of 20 k wich did the,s all about matching ,
Also it is what you expect of the performance so that you dont have to look any further and be settled for a few years till the spark for searching comes back....
Enjoy the music!