mcintosh vs jeff rowland

Does anyone have an opinion as to which integrated amp is better between a mcintosh ma7000 and a jeff rowland concentra or continuum? Thanks

Showing 4 responses by jamiek

Thanks for the input. Regarding my system, my source is an esoteric
sa-60, and my speakers are a set of focal 1027be. I've also got a REL sub which I really like but basically never use.
Thanks for all the input everyone. I should note that I have gone with the mcintosh integrated but have decided that both brands offer great products. HOWEVER, in my set up I have recently swapped out my cardas golden reference interconnects and replaced them with virtual dynamics ultra clear interconnects and this has had an effect that is nothing short of a miracle. I have never heard an interconnect on any system have such a profound effect on the overall sound. Furthermore, I have taken the advice of many on this thread and used rca connections with these interconnects. I suggest everyone audition them these cables. They are by far the best interconnects I have ever heard. I guess I'll mention that I have absolutely no affiliation to virtual dynamics or any audio equipment manufacturer. This is just my honest opinion.
I should start by expressing the respect I have for the cardas golden reference interconnect. It is quite a good cable and I would not have been using them had I not found them to be better than all I had tried prior to buying my virtual dynamics cables. However, when I swapped the ultra clear cables by virtual dynamics I could not believe my ears. The improvements in clarity, attack, soundstage, and dynamics were not subtle. Basically, my system is now producing a much more believable and enjoyable sound, no matter what kind of music I have chosen to play. It's seemed almost like the virtual dynamics cables were now capturing and conveying a ton of information that had fallen off the sides, so to speak, of the cardas cables. I should note that they also seem louder than the cardas cables. I simply wasn't aware that an interconnect cable could ever make its presence felt (or not felt, I suppose, since trasparency is always the goal) the way these ultra clear cables have with my set up. They are darn good cables.
Lapierre, I'm not sure if it is the one with Harmonic Slide. To be honest, I'm not very familiar with the features of this cable. I just find it very enjoyable to listen to. What exactly is Harmonic Slide?