McIntosh vs Accuphase?

Right now I'm using a Marantz PM-11S1 w/ Monitor Audio Gold floor standers. I'm a big fan of Marantz reference gear and their smooth yet detailed warmth. That said, I'm looking to get an integrated for my bedroom setup with a built-in DAC (no room for separates), which nixes something like the PM-KI Ruby. Looks to me like the McIntosh MA5300 / 7200 or Accuphase E-280 / E-380 fit the bill. I'm not really interested in Hegel or Rotel based on their aesthetics. I kind of like the idea of VU meters as well. So the question is, between the two McIntosh integrated or the Accuphase, what's my play? I'm located in the US so that's two points for Mc (pricing and service). But the Accuphase stuff looks to have much higher quality components, design, and build quality. Though for the price of the E-280 w/ option boards I could get a MA7200 and have spare change. Hmm...

Showing 1 response by rosco88

Side by side I have 2 systems, Mc22 and 2xMc75's and a Supratek DHT pre (running 2a3's) with Accuphase A70 power amp. I mix and match all sorts of speakers on them, Harbeth, Dyn's, Apogee and WAR.  The Supratek Accuphase is a clear step above the Mc system, sound stage, dynamics and detail. I like the Mc system a lot which is why I kept it. I have found a valve pre (was originally using an Ayon) in front of the Class A Accuphase is a beautiful combination.  The A70 Accuphase delivers neutrally with all the detail.