McIntosh Tube amps or Solid State?? Advices needed!!

Guys!! I need your opinions on these two amps. I cannot decide on tubes or solid state. Can someone please convince me one or the other. Give me pros and cons of each sides? Please educate me on these two. Assuming I have good decent speakers capable handling these two beasts. Ignore other factors, Just your thoughts on these two.  Thanks

Tubes amp model MC2102
Solid State amp model MC402
As far as I’m concerned most Mcintosh Solid State amps sound very similar to
Tube amps, that’s what I love about them.
I had an MA6300 for years and now the
MA6600. Most other amps I’ve heard sound too bright and lack the warmth that
lets me listen for hours without and fatigue.
Maybe tubes are slightly smother but the added cost just doesn’t make sense to me.
Mcintosh all the way, holds it’s value and sounds wonderful 😎
Get solid state now and get tube later!

I use both!

Solid state during warm/hot days!
Tube during cool/cold days!

Most audiophiles loose WAY MORE money on changing gear compared to changing tube bulbs.