McIntosh transistor tuners....any good ones?

With McIntosh tuners..seems that people mainly speak of the 67,71 and 78 tube models.

Many people seem the think that other brands of transistor tuners have merit...Yamaha CT-7000, T-1, T-2..etc., and other models from Magnum, Fanfare, Sansui...and others.

So,...did McIntosh tuners that were solid state just blow it design-wise...or are they just underated/appreciated?

Showing 1 response by turbofun

The MD108 tuner review in Stereophile back in 1997 mentions some of the great all time tuners, a couple of mac's were
on that list, strangley absent were the Sequerra tuners.
If someone sill has that review I'd love to see the
list of all time faves.