McIntosh Tone Controls

Confession: I like bass. Not like EDM or Rap. Like jazz and classical bass. 

Anyway, I have a McIntosh C47 with bass and treble tone controls. Does anyone know if these are pure analog or they are doing an ADDA conversion? I find a need to turn the bass up in my room about 3dB with most music and it’s pretty transparent and doesn’t seem to cause much if any side effect. 

Because of this, I was considering upgrading to a C52 to get finer control. I would love to hear other suggestions as well in case anyone has them. 

(Setup is Mytek Manhattan II as DAC and Phono stage, MC452 amp, And B&W 802 D3 speakers)
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Showing 1 response by miketuason

I too have the C2300 tube preamp and normally, I listen with a flat response 0 treble and 0 bass 80 percent of the time as I usually listen to my audiophile recording vinyl or SACD but, there are some recording that are just not so good or not enough bass, only then I adjust my bass control accordingly.