McIntosh to Luxman?

Hey everybody. I need some advice.  It's fair to say I've lusted over Luxman equipment for a few years now.  Something about Japanese hifi that just gets me. Anyway, one of the online retailers of new and used equipment has a Luxman L-507uX (not the mark ii) for sale.  I do really like the sound from my hybrid MA252 integrated, and it drives my Maggie 1.7s with ease.  Most of my listening is of the streaming variety (Bludesound Node/Qobuz), and some vinyl (Music Hall MMF-5). 

Here's my question: what will the Luxman bring me that the McIntosh isn't providing?   More refinement?  More authoritative bass? Better soundstaging?  If the answer is yes, then I may pull the trigger on the Luxman.  By the way, I can get a nice trade-in on my McIntosh, so my out-of-pocket won't be too bad.    Please weigh-in if you've had both McIntosh and Luxman gear and what your experience with both brands has been.   Thanks in advance!   ~ Jerry


Showing 1 response by yale1

I cannot comment about the specific model you've mentioned, as I've never owned it.  Below are comment's on what I've owned and hopefully they may be of some help to you:

My first step from a common receiver to separates was first a used McIntosh, than a brand new unit. I do not remember the model numbers of the amp and preamp. At that time, for speakers I've owned B&W 802 series 3. After few months I've stepped up to CJ Premiere, because of sonic preference. After couple of years to Thor Audio. Regretfully, having issues with tubes made me sell them and return to solid state.

Luxman 600 series amp and preamp were my first Luxman components. I liked them so much, I've stepped up to their 900 series after about a year. I've added more Luxman. products later. I have not found the sound lean as one of the entries noted. It is all about the system as a whole. SYNERGY is key. In my case, Luxman electronics, Focal Sopra Speakers, Shunyata Sigma 2 cables are a good match. 

Be well,
