McIntosh to Luxman?

Hey everybody. I need some advice.  It's fair to say I've lusted over Luxman equipment for a few years now.  Something about Japanese hifi that just gets me. Anyway, one of the online retailers of new and used equipment has a Luxman L-507uX (not the mark ii) for sale.  I do really like the sound from my hybrid MA252 integrated, and it drives my Maggie 1.7s with ease.  Most of my listening is of the streaming variety (Bludesound Node/Qobuz), and some vinyl (Music Hall MMF-5). 

Here's my question: what will the Luxman bring me that the McIntosh isn't providing?   More refinement?  More authoritative bass? Better soundstaging?  If the answer is yes, then I may pull the trigger on the Luxman.  By the way, I can get a nice trade-in on my McIntosh, so my out-of-pocket won't be too bad.    Please weigh-in if you've had both McIntosh and Luxman gear and what your experience with both brands has been.   Thanks in advance!   ~ Jerry


Showing 1 response by recordbore

A few years ago when I was shopping for an integrated I narrowed my choices down to a Mac MA2275 and one of the Luxman SS.  After reading a number of posts comparing McIntosh and Luxman, I went for the 507ux.  I am very happy with mine.  The phono section is really good.  I think I would have to pay over $2000 to significantly better it.

That being said, McIntosh generally hold their value much better than Luxman but since you are buying used, that shouldn't be an issue.

The one thing that bothered me about my unit is that it developed a slight buzz after I had it for about 6 months.  The sound comes from the unit itself-it is nothing you hear through the speakers during playback.  It is not very audible but it did bother me.  It seems to be a fairly common issue-something to do with the way the transformers are mounted is what I have read.  Luxman has no interest in addressing it so far as I know.