McIntosh Roon Tested, what does it mean?

I've spent way too much time reading and trying to understand the difference between Roon Ready and Roon Tested. Either I'm an idiot or everyone's marketing department is terrible. Has anyone used a 'Roon Tested' (formerly 'Roon Compatible') product? What else is needed to use this?
What I'm trying to do: buy an integrated amp with a quality DAC I can stream high quality music to from my laptop/phone/ipad from either Tidal or Amazon Music HD, using the DAC on the amp (and not on my device which is what I understand that AirPlay does, but I could be wrong).

I've looked at NAD C368/388 which is in the $1500-2200 range, does all of this with their BlueOS. But if I want to bump up to the next level, I'd be interested in the NAD M32 or McIntosh 5300 (there are others, but for simplicity sake and to stay on topic let's leave it at those two, also want a built in phono and headpone amp).

I feel like I understand the BlueOS w/ NAD: it's a built in OS, and seems equivalent to 'Roon Ready'. But with the McIntosh it is Roon Tested. 
Does this mean I just need to install the Roon software on my device, pull up music on Tidal, pick the McIntosh from a drop down and stream the music?
How is that different than what I'd be doing with 'Roon Ready'?  Is it just shifting the OS from the 5300 to an app on my device?
With 'Roon Tested', will it use the DAC in my device?  Or the DAC in the 5300? Is there anything else I need like a media server? I would assume not since I plan on using streaming services? Is there another Roon thing I need to buy and connect to an input on the 5300?


Showing 2 responses by djones51

First you need roon core these other devices you're looking at are roon endpoints. 
devise can not be a Roon endpoint unless it is either Roon tested or Roon Ready.
It may be better to stick with tested or ready devices but I have used a couple that were neither and they worked fine. I am using an integrated amp now as the roon endpoint which is neither tested or ready attached to a raspberry pi4 roon bridge and it works great.