McIntosh Power Amp: MC 402 or MC 152

Looking for some thoughts about these amps; both are used, and the price is in the same neighborhood.  



I find it interesting how some give blanket/blind recommendations without any knowledge of the system. I sold hi end audio for many yrs and have heard more gear in my house than a country mile. I can tell you expensive equipment matched incorrectly produces a sound...its called Bad !

Suppose the OP has an original Sony cd player and a not so hot preamp, parking a 402 behind that would be a complete waste of money.



All of you have given me something to think about.

My goal is to find and purchase an MC 2500 or 2600 preamp.  

Currently use a Mac 4300V Reciever, Klipsch Forte's II speakers,  Micro Seiki BL 91 Turntable, FR 64 Tonearm, Cartridge: FR-1 MK3, Phono Stage: Aragon 47K, Classe CDP-102 CD Player.  

Because I can use my Reciever as a pre-amp, I will purchase a power amp first.  I like the sound of Mac equipment because of its sound, quality, and resale value.  

Any thoughts or advice will be appreciated.