mcintosh MT10 turntable good or not.

Has anyone got any experience with this table yet? I had problems with my other table and want to upgrade from the 2xperience from project. My dealer has made me what I think is a great deal to goto that table. I just don't know anything about the table and how it stacks up against project other than it looks cool.

Showing 6 responses by ontjesr

I'm another one who has, over the last year, liked it more as time passes.
Anyway, it's $9K and appears to have been made in part by Clearaudio. The cartridge is also rumored to be from them as well -- $2K.
Wonder how it compares to similiar priced tables.
Beerdraft -- the cartridge comes with the table and the $2K number comes about, probably as a replacement price from McIntosh (should it become broken). Like the one at CES-2008, so, I've heard.
The Tonearm is alluminum -- probably outsourced like the table components and cartridge.
IMO, I'd take take a couple nice records down to the dealer, and have a pleasant listening session. If you like what you hear, take the deal with the table.
Nordost or any silver cable -- not a big deal at this point. Something for you to look into down the road. I know Nordost advertises their capacitance, I don't know what it does for synergy. More of a selling tool, I've been told.