mcintosh MT10 turntable good or not.

Has anyone got any experience with this table yet? I had problems with my other table and want to upgrade from the 2xperience from project. My dealer has made me what I think is a great deal to goto that table. I just don't know anything about the table and how it stacks up against project other than it looks cool.

Showing 20 responses by beerdraft

All that being said I don't gather that any of you have heard the table play yet. I don't know but I will be paying less than half of any of these numbers which is the only reason I'm considering this. As I said I think he has made me a sweet deal as long as this player is a good player. I think I know what he is trying to do since he knows I'm in the upgrade mode with the rest of my system. He wants me to start to like the way that mc looks in the rack and buy all mc stuff when I do upgrade everything else. hey Ontjesr, the cartridge is rumored to be a $2k cartridge, is that what you mean above. That and the tone arm is what has me confused, who made them Mcintosh or someone else. I don't know if they have some kind of incentive with mcintosh or what but he took my old player back no questions asked full credit and offered me a 9G table for way less than half that new in the box. He sais I just want you to be happy and he thinks that will make me happy. What should I do, and no my mind isn't made up but this is hard to turn down unless someone knows something about this table I don't.

thanks for your advice
It sounded good to me today when I listened to it in a area not condusive to listening really. I was listening to the mt10 with mcintosh preamp with phono built in along with mcintosh tube amps driving b&w 803's but not in a good listening area. they are more into home theater and I wish they had some of there two channel stuff setup in a good listening room instead of just in the lobby area wide open to everything. They say all the money is going to home theater, sad being I'm a two channel guy.
I have the project tube box se2 preamp. it has inputs for moving coil cartridges. not sure I understand this. the highest input impedance is 220 ohms on the preamp. the output impedance of the cartridge on the mcintosh sais greater than 200 ohms reccomended 500 ohms. first will my project work at 220 ohms? second if I had a phono pre with the 500 ohm input, is that better and what does this mean? This is way above my level in intelect if you can't tell by my spelling.
Thanks guys, I will probable run the project pre for a while and then see what is out there later and evaluate the performance. I will try to get it setup tonight and spin some records. Will updated you on the sound of the mt10.
It is confirmed the tone arm and cartridge is made by clear audio. the only difference is the channel separation on the specs there for the talisman. Not sure what that means, but one is .3 and the other is .5. the table is made by mcintosh in a joint effort with clear audio going by some of clear audio's best specs and technology according to them.
picked it up today and will try to play tonight if I can get my work done. will let you know
Okay I've got it. Man this thing is like a tank. The box is huge and its heavy too. It isn't plug and play ready though as I thought. I've got some work to do. I've read the manual and they went to great lengths to I think make all adjustments easy and idiot proof, which is huge for me not being the smartest guy and all. I'll get back to ya' soon.
Okay, got one more thing I don't understand. The mcintosh guy emailed me and told me the setting for my project preamp and said it should do just fine. He mentioned using low capacitance cables from the turntable to the preamp. What does this mean and how do you tell a low capacitance cable. I have currently tributarys direct (probably not a great cable, but this is all new to me).
Point well, taken John and Piepiper, I know there are a lot of beautiful tables at the 8 and 9 grand price point and they sound good as they should. Any one of them would probably sound just as good if not better in my home but I've only heard a couple in the stores I've been to and none of them made me want to spend that kind of money, until I got it to my house which changed everything.
John, to your point, right now my TT is in the pent house loving life. My CD's are on the street just wanting to come in and I can't let them. I don't need to get absolute vinyl reproduction but if I could atleast get them in the same building, I'd be happy. I have lots more cd's than vinyl at this point and would love to get the sound better so I will enjoy them. Hopefully this cdp202 will be capable of doing that, if not I may just give up. At six grand plus, I'm not going any higher for a cd, I'll just stick with vinyl. Any thoughts on cables from the cd to pre?
Okay all a'goners, this table is great. I think I'll start a new thread and explain more but it is absolutely fantastic. I couldn't imagine getting better sound in the price range. The setup is easy. They have obviously gone to great lengths to get this idiot proof. They must've done all these test and come up with the perfect setup for this table. The detail in setup is amazing and I don't think it is possible to mess it up unless you can't read or don't have fingers or something. You don't need any special tools, it all comes with the table, no special disc or meters just follow the instructions. I played about 5 or 6 albums and the sound stage and imaging was amazing as well as the realism. I don't have the best system (B&W 804N, CJ PV14L, CJ MF2250, AND ALL CABLES AND INTERCONNECTS ARE TRIBUTARIES DIRECT) I have a rotel Cd payer the newest one, and a marantz SACD player. Before this table I wanted to upgrade amps and speakers to fill in the large room I'm in. Now with the sound coming out of my speakers with this mcintosh MT10 turntable, I now know my first order of priority is to upgrade my other source components and the amp and speakers can wait. This is a huge step for me as I didn't see that as being so important before but after one listening session, I now know it is. I highly reccomend the table and my thanks goes out to mcintosh for designing a table that is so easy to set-up for optimum performance.
thanks for all the advice here
Thanks for you suggestion but I'd gladly pay full retail if I knew what I was getting. In fact I did misunderstand the initial offer they made me and paid a good bit more than I said earlier but I did still get what I consider a good deal on it and I wouldn't trade it for anything at this point. Sorry if I mislead you on what I paid but it was a simple misunderstanding between me and my dealer. I was more than glad to pay the difference though after hearing the machine. Like I said it is the best money I've spent to date in my system.
Thanks Swampwalker, I actally went crazy trying to get better sound now from the CD player and bought the classe cdp202 today. This table is both a blessing and a bad thing being it made me want a better cd player as I won't even listen to a disc right now. I just took back the player and ordered a new one so no disc til next week. Will just have to spin some records.
When you're right, you're right John. I geuss I just wanted to see the SACD side of thing even though I'm sure a didn't give it a good test (not a great Player) but I just didn't want a reason to start buying another kind of cd now with the records and all. It seems a lot of the titles I see on SACD, I also see on LP.
Thats awsome Johnnyb53, where do you get your LP's? I tested a marantz SACD player as my dealer let me take it home and they gave me a handfull of SACD's to use as I didn't have any. It was nice but I'd much rather listen to the vinyl to as one of the disc they gave me I actually had the record and prefer it. So I took the sacd back. I will definately start spending my money mostly on records now. Currently buy from musicdirect and have only bought 180g and 200g. Also the XRCD IS a verygood sounding CD and I prefer it over SACD. I haven't heard the same two disc on both formats but the few xrcd's I have are great evne in my rotel player. We'll see in the new player when it gets in.
Hey John, I had borrowed the marantz DV7600 cd/sacd player and it also played DVD's which I needed a DVD player if I'm to watch movies on the pioneer Elite plasma down there but I just don't go down to the basement to watch movies, only sports. So not so impressed with the SACD I took it back.
Johnnyb53, I'm so glad you told me that about old vinyl. I never would've known, I think we have a little old music store here in atlanta that just might have a lot of old records used for sale. I now remember thinking a while back before I got into vinyl as I passed the store and they advertised records har to find and I'm thinking who wants a record? Now look at me, I corrupted.
Hey idiotec, is there any way to tell a good pressing from a bad one on the used market. I've heard to stay away from the 80's pressings, but other than that how do you tell. What about to tell if it is the original pressing. Also to Johnny, I love me some Dianna Kral, I probably didn't even spell her name right but I still like her so I will have to look for that album.
John, I listened to a music server and a good one I think. I also listened to the same Cd on the same system at same volume and the disc sounded better than the server. These just happened to be in the same cabinet togeter and I asked the store to let me hear the difference and they did. Ofcoarse they were pleasantly suprised that there was infact a difference although you wouldn't probably notice unless you tested that way. They were trying to get me to buy the server but after that I decided to buy the classe cdp202. (not the cd player used in this test) All cd's were put into this server with lostless download but its definately different.
John, also forgot to mention. I have a couple of xrcd's from music direct and I find them very nice even in my rotel player. Have you tryed these at all?
You are correct piediper the two units compared were useing there internal DAC's and the ones in the cdp are more advanced than the servers even though they are the same brand. I didn't even think about that.