McIntosh MT-10 Turntable -- thoughts/expectations

Well, looks like McIntosh will be shipping their first attempt at a turntable -- after 50+ years in the business -- guess, better late than never. Yep, comes with a big blue meter, no less, as a speed indicator (33, 45 or 78). Of course, a big blue meter wasn't enough -- the massive platter glows too. Understand everything was inhouse (cartridge too???). Includes a composite arm with external p/s and a .05mV MC cartridge. Tracking force, anti-skate and cartridge position are factory set. Understand price is in the $8K range. Not much on McIntosh web site yet -- has me intrigued. Any thoughts or expectations -- or did anyone hear it at CEDIA??

Showing 2 responses by hassel

As far as the McIntosh-site on audiokarma goes, the TT is built by Clearaudio of Germany, not by McIntosh. There is already an ongoing, mostly negative discussion over there - most Mc-fans don´t like the look for a TT.
I guess McIntosh has been doing some market research, and I imagine that in Asia especially customers will go for the TT especially for its trademark meters and because it´s a Mac.
Florian Hassel