McIntosh MT-10 Turntable -- thoughts/expectations

Well, looks like McIntosh will be shipping their first attempt at a turntable -- after 50+ years in the business -- guess, better late than never. Yep, comes with a big blue meter, no less, as a speed indicator (33, 45 or 78). Of course, a big blue meter wasn't enough -- the massive platter glows too. Understand everything was inhouse (cartridge too???). Includes a composite arm with external p/s and a .05mV MC cartridge. Tracking force, anti-skate and cartridge position are factory set. Understand price is in the $8K range. Not much on McIntosh web site yet -- has me intrigued. Any thoughts or expectations -- or did anyone hear it at CEDIA??

Showing 1 response by downunder

I saw and heard the MC10 at CES. To be honest it looks a lot better in person that in print. The glowing blue platter is quite nice.

The sound coming from the mac system was nice and smooth as well. In fact one of the only rooms brave enough to play rock n roll, some dire straits and eagles if I remember - which gave McIntosh a big tick of approval from me at least.