Mcintosh MC500 or Accuphase P800

Hi all, I have a chance to buy either of these amps, the mcintosh some 400 euro cheaper...
Which would you advise and why?
My system consists of Accuphase DP 500 cd, Mcintosh c46 preamp and B&W matrix 800 speakers...
I don't listen very loud, and I love 3d soundstaging, imaging and emotionality in music , the feeling "I am there at the event" when I am listening.

Showing 1 response by deaf_in_left_eye

I haven't heard the MC1000, but I have heard the the MC500 with B&W Nautilus 802. The combination is excellent, as to my ear the MC500 "warms-up" the B&Ws a tad, together making really good synergistic balance. The 500 has plenty of power, and I would doubt you need to go to the 1000.

My experience with Accuphase products in general is they are more detailed than McIntosh gear, but flatter and more "technical" sounding. From your description of listening preferences, it seems that McIntosh would be a better match.