Mcintosh MC462 versus Luxman M10X

I recently bought the mcintosh mc462 along with the mcintosh preamp mc53. After experiencing the Luxman CD player DX03 DAC in the system, I am falling in love with the Luxman brand.. Am I doing the right thing switching the mc462 to a Luxman M10x? Any advice would be very helpful.. 


Showing 1 response by dep14



Just curious where you feel the build quality differences are between the 462 and the Luxman gear.

Mc462 is an extremely powerful, and contrary to others beliefs, neutral amp.  I find it more neutral than my previous Pass Labs.  It’s built damn well, like all McIntosh gear.  McIntosh gear wouldn’t last so long, if it wasn’t built so well and with excellent quality.  

Now my C2700, not as neutral.  But, I knew that getting into tubes.

I’m sure the Luxman gear is also well built, as the examples I have seen and heard are also well built.

Sound different - absolutely.  Both excellent.  But to say Luxman’s build quality is better than McIntosh… not sure I would agree.