The 402 is faster and more open sounding compared to the 352. I think the extra cost of the 402 is worth it plus is get a much better looking amp with the lights and 3d glass. To be honest I would choose the 252 over the 352 for the same reason's. I was not a big fan of the 352 when it came to sound quality.
McIntosh MC352 or MC402?
I'm getting ready to jump on the McIntosh bandwagon. I have read wonderful reviews of the MC402 and the MC352 but can't decide which would be a better value. Does the 402 have much of a sonic improvement over the 352? I've read that the 352 is slightly less harsh in the mids and highs but this could be attributed to break in time or the lack thereof. I plan on using whichever amp I choose with a Sunfire Classic Tube Preamp. My source components are a Denon cd player and a Thorens turntable. Speakers are vintage JBL 120Ti's, but I may be upgrading to Thiel 1.6's I would really appreciate any input anyone may have.